BRUNO is the third character to be made into a film from his wildly original series DA ALI G SHOW. ALI G IN DA HOUSE was the first film he decided to make, and it was lackluster compared to the show, but it still had its moments of dumb hilarity. The second was BORAT and its title name is too long to type into this sentence structure. BORAT became an unexpected comedy classic, which was a surprise given its content of cringe humor. Now we

It is a mock documentary just like BORAT and focuses on the fired gay Austrian fashion reporter BRUNO. After this he travels to the United States to become a superstar, and along the way he gets into a lot of unforgiving trouble. There are so many moments in this film that are funny I couldn’t stop laughing.
The moment he tries to get RON PAUL to make a celebrity sex tape is just one of the few scenes that are tame. There is also the moment he interviews a MOSSAD agent in ISREAL and comes close to death. I don’t know how h

Yet even though I believe BRUNO was hilarious and over time will be considered a classic, most people will find it offense, rude, and above all else dangerous. A comedy that can get everyone upset is something far above THE HANGOVER and a little less than a JACKASS episode. But if you mix that type of humor together BRUNO is what you got.
You know you got problems when GLADD has an argument with your film, even though the accusations they have thrown at it are totally exaggerated. BRUNO is a comedy you will either love or hate; unfortunately for me I loved it.
Even though most of this film’s success can go to SACHA BARON COHEN we must not forget about LARRY CHARLES. He is the director of this insane film and without his comedic eye just as he did in BORAT; it could have turned out to be a completely different comedy. LARRY CHARLES is finally getting his due in comedic directing circles, and it will be very interesting to see what he does next. Let’s just hope that he s

Bruno will either catch on with audiences over a period of time or it will completely fall off. If the second opinion I stated actually occurs it could only be for one real reason, the film is to GAY for mainstream audiences. And if that ends up happening the humor behind the film will touch on irony. Even though the humor in BRUNO is really stupid, the underlined context is how people (especially) in America are extremely homophobic. I hope audiences can prove this point wrong and actually mature with a sexuality that seems to be uncomfortable for them. If not we have a long way to go as a society, and BRUNO is just the bench mark on that journey.
THE JUDGEMENT CALL: Another flawless comedic masterpiece by SACHA BARON COHEN and director LARRY CHARLES. If you don’t find this film remotely funny after viewing it, please do us all a favor and hang yourself.
NEGATIVE ASPECTS: Nothing with the film, but the rating is another matter. Even after it has been edited down it still should have gotten an NC-17 rating. So parents please don’t take your child to see this, because if you do you are just as likely to sit down and watch a porno with them as well. And if you’re a parent like that please do us all a favor and jump off a bridge.
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